academic journals

Editors - JPHE

  • Mostafa Abolfotouh

    Professor of Family & Community MedicineHead of Medical Team - Biobanking Section.King Abdullah International Medical Research CEnter, King Saud Bin-Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, National Guard Health Affairs,

  • Neena Singla

    Affiliation: Zoologist (Rodents)PI, All India Network Project on Rodent Control (ICAR)Department of Zoology, Punjab Agricultural UniversityLudhiana-141004, IndiaResearch activities: Major research interests include: Developing rodent pest management strategies by way of applying and testing various technological advances such as the use of newer toxic molecules, repellents, antifeedants, attractants, sterilants and biocontrol agents and their integration. Also conducting animal behavioural studies along with some work on public health issues related to role of rodents in disease transmission. Other research interests include: Insect pest management; host–mite interaction and predatory v/s phytophagous mite interaction; predatory potential of spiders etc. Made two recommendations for the benefit of farmers of Punjab state on methods of rodent pest management in sugarcane (2012) and groundnut (2008) crops.

  • Mohammad Mohsin Khan

    Specialization;PhD Preventive MedicineDepartment;Department of Community Health SciencesInstitution;Amna Inayat Medical College Lahore

  • Guolian Kang
    Editorial team

    Department of Biostatistics,St. Jude Children's Research HospitalMemphis, TN.

  • Edlaine Faria de Moura Villela

    Specialization: Epidemiology and Public Health
    Department: Institute of Health Sciences
    Institution: Federal University of Goiás (UFG)

  • Jakir Hossain Bhuiyan Masud

    Specialization: Epidemiology, Tobacco Control, Health Informatics, Maternal & Child Health
    Department: Public Health
    Institution: GUI,SHED Foundation, CTS, The Union , AeHIN, IFHIMA, GYAT
    Country: Bangladesh

  • Dr. Xiaoliang Qiu,

    Specialization: Physiology, Epidemiology, Ob/Gyn, Cardiology, Neuroendocrinology
    Department: Physiology and Biophysics
    Institution: Stony Brook University
    Country: USA

  • Naveen Patil

    Section Chief and State TB Control Officer Medical Director, HIV, STD & Hepatitis Programs Infectious Diseases Branch Center for Health Protection Arkansas Department of Health4815 West MarkhamSlot 45Little Rock, AR 72205, USA

  • Dr. Areej Hussein

    Microbiology, University of Diyala,
    College of Medicine,